Jazzera Industrial Solutions (JIS) is committed to quality and can guarantee all resources provided to our customers meet the very highest standards to ensure our services fulfil our clients requirements and in doing so ensuring customer satisfaction.

JIS recognises and values the well-being of its employees and the communities in which it operates. We consider safety first in every task we perform and in every decision we make.
In pursuit of this vision, JIS has the following Safety and Environmental Protection commitments.
• Ensure safety, the environment, and the health and well-being of our employees and the communities in which we operate are an integral part of all business activities.
• Encourage awareness about the environment, health and safety among all employees
• To seek continuous improvements in the protection of the environment and health and safety.
JIS believes that all occupational injuries and illnesses, as well as safety and environmental incidents, are preventable. Our aim is for ZERO incidents.

The company strategy to realize this goal will be obtained through the implementation and maintenance of a Quality Management System meeting the requirements of ISO 9001: 2000.
JIS is committed to continuously improving the Quality Management System with a view to enhancing customer satisfaction.

This policy will be formally integrated into the company culture through the participation of all levels of staff from the Top Management to the operations personnel.
Compliance to the Quality Management System and policy will be obtained through the communication and understanding of the quality policy throughout the organization and the acceptance of the duties and responsibilities for all employees with respect to fulfilling the company’s quality objectives.

Compliance with this Commitment and applicable laws of Qatar are the responsibility of every employee and contractor acting on our behalf.
JIS Management is responsible to educate, train and motivate employees to understand and comply with this commitment.
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web master : shafeeq mohd